Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, School of Graduate Studies. PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MSc in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BSc in Electrical & Medical Electronics Engineering at UTHM
Electrical Engineering
Abdul Rashid has strong background in designing antenna experiments, performing SAR
reduction research using AMC and EBG, and developing new data analysis methods. Abdul
Rashid worked in collaboration with the research and development group of UTHM, Malaysia.
He was involved in studies on effect of Electromagnetic Energy towards human head on
attention performance, also using and artificial intelligence approaches. He has been primarily
interested in the artificial intelligence approaches-based SAR reduction and human body. His
ultimate research goal is to explore the interactions between devices and human body for
radiation analysis in predictive analytics for the development of a wireless communications.
Research interest
• Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches.
• AMC and EVG Analysis of SAR reduction.
• Modeling Human Body using CST.
• RF Integrated Circuits.
• Signal and Image Processing Analysis
Teaching Activities
2015- Present- Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing.
2015- Network Simulation with Omnet,
2016- Signal Integrity (SI) Measurement Techniques for High-Speed Digital Circuits, 1
2017- Analog Electronics, Analogue Mixed-Signal System Lab and Power electronic
2018- Digital Signal Processing and analogue Integrated Circuit Design.
2019-Electrical Circuits
2021- Research Methodology and Supervision
2021- Communication Skills
2021- Engineering Ethics
2021- Antenna and Propagation
2021- Mobile Wireless communication
Awards and Recognition
2016-Recipient of Graduate Assistantship Scheme scholarship award Wireless and Radio
Science Centre.
2016-2019 Recipient of Graduate Assistantship Scheme scholarship award Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia.
2016 -Best Presenter Award (3rd International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering &
Technology Research August Langkawi Malaysia
2018, – Best Session Chairperson ISCAIE IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications &
Industrial Electronics, Penang Island Malaysia.
Refereed Articles
1. Abdulrashid O. Mumin , Rozlan Alias, Abdisamad, Jiwa Abdullah, Samsul Haimi
Dahlan “A Survey on Recent Approaches of Electromagnetic Absorption Reduction
With Respect To Human Head Exposure To GSM Frequency Bands” SCIENCE
INTERNATIONAL-LAHORE, Science International ,(2017) 1, 13, ISSN:1013-5316
2. Abdul Rashid O. Mumin, Rozlan Alias, Jiwa Abdullah, Sanjoy Kumar Debnath
“Performance Characteristics on Dielectric Substrates of Patch Antenna with SAR
Reduction Using AMC for WBAN Applications’ has been submitted for publication in
the wireless personal communication” (2020)(p-ISSN: 0929-6212- e-ISSN: 1572-834X
Under Review. (ISI).
3. Abdul Rashid Omar, R. Alias, Jiwa Abdullah, Samsul Haimi Dahlan, Jawad Ali, and
Sanjoy Kumar Debnath*. “Design a compact square ring patch antenna with AMC for
SAR reduction in WBAN applications.” Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics 9, no. 1 (2020): 370-378. [ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI:10.11591/eei. v9i1.1686]
(Scopus, ).
4. Najib AL-Fadhali, Huda A. Majid, Rosli Omar, M. F. Ismail, M. K. A. Rahim, Abdul
Rashid O. Mumin, B. A. F. Esmail “Wideband millimeter-wave substrate integrated
waveguide cavity-backed antenna for satellites communications” Publication date
2020/10/1 Journal Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics., (Scopus, ).
5. Abdul Rashid.O. Mumin, R. Alias, Jiwa Abdullah, Samsul Haimi Dahlan, Jawad Ali
Assessment of Electromagnetic Absorption Towards Human Head Using Specific
Absorption Rate, Journal Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.), , (2018)
12, 100, ISSN:20893191, (Scopus).
6. Abdul Rashid O Mumin, R Alias, Jiwa Abdullah, Jawad Ali, Samsul Haimi Dahlan,
Raed Abdulkareem Abdulhasan, Ariffuddin Joret, HamidMohammed Qasem Rasheda
“Enhanced bandwidth and radiation specifications of patch antenna for WiMAX
application” 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial
Electronics (ISCAIE Scopus, )
7. Abdul Rashid.O. Mumin Alias, R., Abdullah, J., Dahlan, S. H., Abdulhasan, R. A., &
Ali, J). Simulation of Square Ring Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance Based on
Effects of Various Dielectric Substrates. In Asian Simulation Conference. (2017,
August (pp. 679-694). Springer, Singapore .
8. Abdul Rashid O. Mumin, Abdullah, J., Alias, R., Abdulhasan, R. A., Ali, J., & Dahlan,
S. H. (2017, September). Square ring microstrip patch triple band antenna for
GSM/WiMAX/WLAN systems. In 2017 International Conference on Control,
Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCREC) (pp. 70-74). IEEE .
9. Abdul Rashid O. Mumin , Alias, R., Abdullah, J., Abdulhasan, R. A., Ali, J., Dahlan,
S. H., & Awaleh, A. A. (2017, September). A survey of various enhancement
techniques for square rings antennas. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1883, No.
1, p. 020011). AIP Publishing LLC (Scopus),
10. Abdul Rashid O Mumin Abdullah, J., Alias, R., Dahlan, S. H., & Ali, J. (2017). Hybrid
Feeding Technique For The Design And Analysis Of A Square Ring Patch Antenna.
Proceeding Of Science, Engineering & Nanotechnology, 1 Scopus,
11. Abdulhasan, R. A., Mumin, A. O., Jawhar, Y. A., Ahmed, M. S., Alias, R., Ramli, K.
N., … & Audah, L. H. M. (2017). Antenna Performance Improvement Techniques for
Energy Harvesting: A Review Study. International Journal of Advanced Computer
Science and Applications, 8(1) (Scopus),.
12. Abdulhasan, R. A., Attiah, M. L., Alias, R., Awaleh, A. A., & Mumin, A. O. (2015).
Multi-state UWB circular patch antenna based on WiMAX and WLAN notch filters
operation. (Scopus),
13. Abdulhasan, R. A., Ramli, K. N., Alias, R., Audah, L., & Mumin, A. R. O. (2017).
Inverted Diamond-shaped Notched Substrate and Patch for High-frequency
Interference on Ultra-wideband Antenna. International Journal of Electrical &
Computer Engineering (2088-8708), 7(6) (Scopus),
14. Abdulhasan, R. A., Alias, R., Ramli, K. N., Audah, L., Mumin, A. O., & Jawhar, Y. A.
(2017, August). Ultra–Wideband Antenna Enhancement with Reconfiguration and
Notching Techniques Evaluation. In Asian Simulation Conference (pp. 695-709).
Springer, Singapore (Scopus),
15. Abdulhasan, R. A., Ramli, K. N., Alias, R., Hamzah, S. A., Audah, L., Salh, A., … &
Jawhar, Y. A. (2017). Symmetrical couple F-shaped notches with high rejection C-band
of UWB patch antenna. International Journal on Communications Antenna and
Propagation, 7(7), 619-625 (Scopus),
16. A Awaleh, A., Dahlan, S. H., Abdulhasan, R. A., & Mumin, A. O. (2015). Design and
modeling of planar lens antenna element in x-band applications (Scopus),.
17. Abdulhasan, R. A., Alias, R., Awaleh, A. A., & Mumin, A. O. (2015, April). Design of
circular patch microstrip ultra wideband antenna with two notch filters. In 2015
International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology
(I4CT) (pp. 464-467). IEEE (Scopus),
18. Abdulhasan, R. A., Alias, R., Awaleh, A. A., & Mumin, A. O. (2015, April). Design of
circular patch microstrip ultra wideband antenna with two notch filters. In 2015
International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology
(I4CT) (pp. 464-467). IEEE (Scopus),
19. Debnath, S. K., Omar, R., Latip, N. B. A., Bagchi, S., Sabudin, E. N., Mumin, A. R.
O., … & Naha, R. K. (2020). Computationally Efficient Path Planning Algorithm For
Autonomous Vehicle. Jurnal Teknologi, 83(1), 133-143. (Scopus),
Phone: +252615486345
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://simad.edu.so/feng/staff/drabdulrashidomarmumin/